Snow barriers

Snow barriers are one of the most efficient avalanche protection measures.

Design features

The key requirement for barrier operation is long-lasting resistance to constant static load imposed by heavy snow during the whole snow season.

Barriers are designed in avalanche formation areas. They retain snow covering throughout its depth preventing the development of avalanche site and snowslide. Snow barriers are installed across the slope. The height of the barrier should exceed the maximal possible snow height specific for the region. More often the design include a cascade of several rows of barriers in the hazardous area.

Snow barriers can be both solid (shields, fence) and flexible.

Components for snow barriers:

  • high-strength steel net (rarely chained nets);
  • supporting poles and additional structures providing fastening of the barriers to the slope.

The entire system is a modular structure that allows the maximum compliance with the slope topography, ground conditions and type of anchorage.

The advantages of the technology:

  • easy to assemble and install;
  • minimum of work carried out on the slope (foundation works);
  • high resistance to the influence of aggressive environments;
  • possibility of installation on slopes of any steepness and in hard-to- access areas with rough terrain;
  • rockfall resistance;
  • preservation of landscape esthetics as net structures are invisible on the slope.
[bvi text="Версия для слабовидящих"]