Pavel Alexandrov, Chief Designer of GEOIZOL Project, took part in the work of the jury on the defense of collective course projects.
The event took place at the chair of reinforced concrete and stone structures of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU).
Five student teams of group 2-SUZS-5 (specialty “Construction of unique buildings and structures”) presented their achievements in the discipline “Foundations of high-rise buildings” to the jury.
The students had to develop generalized designs of buildings: determine their functional purpose, choose a location, prepare basic architectural solutions, perform enlarged calculations of above-ground reinforced concrete structures and geotechnical calculations of the underground part, and also calculate the potential investment attractiveness of projects.
The task of the jury, which included professionals from the construction industry of St. Petersburg, was to evaluate the decisions made in the course projects. Also, experts expressed their recommendations for adjusting the projects.

“Considering that this is a trainig task, the guys coped very well,” notes Pavel Aleksandrov. – This form of disciplinary examination is extremely useful for the professional development of future engineers. While working on projects, students got a fairly complete idea of the scope of problems that designers face in real life. Moreover, this is a useful practice of working in a team, which teaches you to assign roles, be responsible for your sections and make decisions on your own.”
“GEOIZOL Project” is involved in the work of St. Petersburg construction universities. The company’s specialists periodically participate in university events. Many students go through field trip and internships at the company. The most talented and hardworking of them are recruited into the state.

Expert jury at the table. Pavel Alexandrov on the far left

Defense of collective term papers at SPbGASU

Defense of collective term papers at SPbGASU