Forum “Arctic” took place

Ivan Bogdanov and Pavel Alexandrov acted as moderators of the section devoted to engineering protection in permafrost conditions.

Specialists of GEOIZOL Project: Technical Director Ivan Bogdanov and Chief Designer Pavel Alexandrov took part in the Forum “Arctic”. On the second day of the event, they acted as moderators of Section 3 “Engineering protection of territories, buildings, structures in the cryolithic zone.”

The work of the section began with a report by Ivan Bogdanov, devoted to actual methods for protecting existing and under construction facilities in the Far North.

As the speaker noted, the relevance of the issue of construction and operation of buildings and structures located in the Arctic zone is due to two factors.

Ivan Bogdanov made a presentation “Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures in cryolithic zone”.

The first, and most significant point, is the active and systematic development of the Northern Sea Route and the associated development of territories, including the mining of mineral deposits.

The second is the need to protect existing structures in the face of permafrost degradation caused by climate change. These risks affect not only buildings and structures, but also linear infrastructure: roads and railways, runways and other facilities.

At the forum “Arctic” there were many actual reports devoted to special survey methods, monitoring the state of the cryolithic zone and new technologies for construction on permafrost.

“We heard a lot of interesting reports on special survey methods, monitoring the state of the cryolithic zone and new construction technologies on permafrost,” comments Pavel Aleksandrov. – Of particular interest were approaches to assessing and forecasting changes in the coastlines of the seas in the Far North, which is especially important for the construction of port facilities.”

The International Construction Forum “Arctic” was held in Moscow on October 5 – 7, 2022. The International Association of Foundation Contractors (IAF) organized the event.

Read more about the approaches and methods of engineering protection in our material.

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